Pain Relief

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Ouch! Are you ready for relief? Restrictive aches and pains can leave you feeling left behind. Relief is closer than you think with this combination of electrolytes, B vitamin complex, and anti-inflammatory agents. We recommend treatment as needed.

Living with constant pain doesn’t just hurt - it takes you away from being fully present in not only your life - but the lives of your friends and family.

Don’t let pain dictate how you live your life. Our Pain Relief IV alleviates pain naturally by using a mixture of hydration-forward electrolytes, supercharged B Vitamins, and anti-inflammatory agents that reduce aches and suffering. With full absorption via IV, a drip of our Pain Relief cocktail ensures that you can return to your life knowing that you’ve received the most out of your treatment and that none of the nutrients were lost in treatment.

Overflowing with nutrients, our Pain Relief IV uses electrolytes to hydrate all parts of the body, where dehydrated muscles can lead to cramping, which restricts movement and can be truly debilitating. Following that hydration, the full suite of Vitamin B complex powers the energy banks of your cells, leaving your body hale and hearty to defend against other causes of pain while also providing increased mental clarity and a mood boost.


Book your appointment today at our luxurious aesthetics + infusion bar for fast relief, provided by our team of highly experienced medical practitioners. Our team is also mobile, providing on-location treatment to provide pain relief where you are when you need it so you can rest until relief arrives and is administered. After treatment, your energy levels will rebound as you notice the absence of agony.


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