Acne Treatments

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At some point, everyone has had some form of acne. But that doesn't mean we have to continue to live with it.

As one of the most aggravatingly common instances of skin problems, not only is acne unsightly, it can also potentially lead to scarring, which can significantly decrease confidence and affect your daily life. By treating acne at the forefront, we can prevent scarring and restore the natural beauty of your skin so that you feel comfortable showing a little more or just revel in that fresh-faced feeling.

At Spruce, our team takes a non-invasive approach to treating acne with the use of BBL (BroadBand Light) that harnesses the power of IPL (Intermittent Pulsed Light) that delivers, short, powerful bursts of specific light spectrums that trigger the body’s natural healing while attacking acne.

In this process, three different spectrums of light are used: Blue to attack bacteria that causes acne without harming your dermis, yellow to prevent new breakouts and prevent scars by comprehensively reducing actively inflammatory acne and finally, infrared to tap into the body’s natural recovery through rapid, gentle pulses for a holistic approach to acne treatment.

There’s no more need for expensive acidic approaches that leave the skin raw and dry to attack acne, or to explore abrasive and invasive dermatology removals that leave scars. Forget about expensive (and dangerous) medications that require blood work, and schedule your appointment for acne treatment that is truly non-invasive and safe.

The medical team at Spruce has the experience to guide you through every step of the acne treatment process, answering any questions you may have while at our elegant and spa-like aesthetics + infusion bar.


The skin you’re in can finally return to reflecting who you are on the inside - don’t let unnecessary and unwanted acne stop you from having the confidence to live the life you deserve. Contact us today for a life that’s acne-free.


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