Feeling confident in your skin is fundamental. When you have scars, blemishes or wrinkles that take away from that inner confidence, it can affect your day-to-day life in ways that you didn’t expect.
While treating damaged skin can seem like an uphill battle, the skin and confidence you deserve is still possible. With tactical skin resurfacing treatments, a precise laser can help remove damaged skin while encouraging growth of new collagen to create a fresh layer in the epidermis with reduced or minimized effects of damage.
Performed by a certified medical professional, skin resurfacing using the Sciton mJoule Laser is one of the most effective ways to remove damage to the skin. Using BBL (BroadBand Light) delivered by IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), gentle pulses of intense light heat the layers of the skin for optimal treatment. One of the additional benefits of IPL treatment for skin resurfacing is the minimal side effects and down time. Most clients are able to return to their day after laser skin resurfacing treatment, although some minor redness and sun sensitivity is experienced in a small number of clients.
Our team of trained medical experts are among the first to adapt new technology and have the experience to see true results using this technology that heats the skin to remove pigments that emphasize skin damage so that your skin looks truly fresh and years younger.
Prior to skin resurfacing via IPL, our medical personnel will schedule a consultation (most patients see their desired results in approximately three to six treatments, although actual number of treatment sessions may vary) to plan the best course of treatment for wrinkles, scars or other skin damage to make sure that your experience is as seamless and comfortable as possible at our deluxe aesthetics + infusion bar.
Contact Spruce today to schedule your appointment and achieve the smooth skin you desire.
Areas Served:
Offering laser skin resurfacing treatment in Salt Lake City, Holladay & Surrounding Areas.