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Myths and misinformation can cause unnecessary fear and misunderstanding on a wide variety of topics. Laser hair removal in Salt Lake City is no exception. Myths and misinformation can include who is eligible for this simple procedure, and who typically invests in it. These myths need to be debunked so we can fully understand whether laser hair removal is right for you.
Why get laser hair removal in Salt Lake City?
There are many reasons to get laser hair removal in Salt Lake City’s most luxurious MedSpa, Spruce. Your skin will be smoother than shaving. It requires less upkeep than shaving. You won’t have to continue to run to the store for costly razors. No more nicks and cuts, and no more ingrown hairs. And think about the amount of time you’ll save! We can perform laser hair removal treatments on nearly any body part, including those parts that you might be embarrassed to ask about.
Myth: Laser hair removal will cause hair to grow back thicker than before.
If this was true, then there would be many hair transplant specialists out of a job. Men and women would be lined up for this treatment, hoping that they too could have a full head of hair. The lasers destroy the hair follicles so that they can no longer grow, they cannot create new follicles to grow them.
Myth: Laser hair removal is not effective on people with dark skin
There have been advancements in laser hair removal that, regardless of the color of your skin, allow it to be effective. While it is true that darker skin will react differently to treatments than paler skin, all skin types can have laser hair removal when paired with experienced aestheticians and top-tier lasers, such as the Sciton Joule™ X Laser that Spruce uses.
Myth: Vegetarians can’t get laser hair removal
We’ve heard this one a number of times but it took a while to understand where this myth came from. The idea here is that vegetarians often eat vegetables that can change the color of their skin when eaten in very high quantities, such as carrots or pumpkin. Vegetables that are high in beta-carotene can cause a skin condition called carotenemia that changes the color of the skin to a yellowish orange. Vegetarians can rejoice, however, because this is only a myth and the truth is that vegetarians have great laser hair removals at Spruce.
There are many myths about laser hair removal, some sillier than others. If you need more myths debunked or would like to schedule your laser hair removal in Salt Lake City, Spruce’s BBL laser is safe, fast, and convenient. Contact Spruce for more details.